Strollers, Page 2


Stroller Inglesina Classica
from €83

Make your dream of this classic stroller come true – the Classica is as unique and special as you and your child!   Age Range: From birth to approximately 1.5 years...

Code: 55/2 D
Rent a Pram in Prague - Mamas and papas urbo2
from €48

Age Range: From birth up to 9kg   (Refundable deposit €20) Orders are possible at least 2 days in advance. For sooner delivery please contact...

Code: 298/1
from €63

Are you traveling with your own car seat or with the Carrycot? Or does your airline have a specific weight or a maximum number of items limit?  Rent a JOOLZ | Day+ chassis with...

Code: 211/2 D
bugaboo fox2 base
from €81

Are you traveling with your own car seat or with the Carrycot? Or does your airline have a specific weight or a maximum number of items limit?  Rent a Bugaboo Fox chassis with...

Code: 214/2 D
bugaboo fox 3 complete graphite grey melange a326109 (1)
from €81

Are you traveling with your own car seat or with the Carrycot? Or does your airline have a specific weight or a maximum number of items limit?  Rent a Bugaboo Fox chassis with...

Code: 217/2 D
en cybex platinum priam chassis rosegold rosegold2022 2022 Rosegold rosegold 2022
from €90

Are you traveling with your own car seat or with the Carrycot? Or does your airline have a specific weight or a maximum number of items limit?  Rent a Cybex Priam chassis with...

Code: 220/2 D
6721c250d4e6c495fbb383fb8a22d326 mmf350x350
from €70

Are you traveling with your own car seat or with the Carrycot? Or does your airline have a specific weight or a maximum number of items limit?  Rent a Stokke chassis with...

Code: 223/2 D
19 items total
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